Yoga has a holistic approach to health and wellness. Integrating Physical Postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation and ethical principals.Yoga means to unite or join.Yoga aims to achieve harmony and balance promoting both physical and mental well-being.
Essential yoga poses for beginners
- Mountain pose (tadasana)
- Download facing dog pisr ( adho mukha svanasana)
- Child pose ( balasana )
- Warrior pose (virabhadrasana)
- Tree pose ( vrikshasana)
Different types of asanas in yoga

2. Forward bending

3. Backward bending

4. Sideward bending

5. Spinal twists

6. Cultural

7. Meditative

8. Relaxing

Health and wellness
Yoga supports health and wellness by increasing strength, flexibility and balance with varied poses. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety promoting mental clarity and emotional stability via mindfulness and meditation. Regular yoga practice can relieve chronic pain, improves cardiovascular health, increase immunity and helps developing inner peace and mindfulness.
Nutrition plays a key role in supporting yoga practice and overall health.
- Consume all types of fruits and vegetables which are rich in nutrients
- whole grain foods like quinoa,millets,brown rice provides constant energy and fibre to the digestive system
- Water helps to improve overall health and supports detoxification.
- Herbal tea provides calming effects and supports relaxation and recovery
- Nuts and seeds offers healthy fats , proteins and essential nutrients.
Benefits of yoga
- Yogu reduces back pain.
- Yoga helps to reduce anxiety and stress.
- Yogu supports seniors mobility and reduce risk of falls.
- Prenatal yoga prompts comfort, reduce low back pain and prepare the body for labour,while also focusing on breathing techniques beneficial for childbirth
- yoga helps in children’s physical and mental development
- integrating yoga into daily routine helps to reduce chronic illness also .
Yoga harmonises the body and mind offering numerous health benefits through its blend of physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation. Yoga enhances the strength, flexibility and balance while effectively reduces stress and anxiety. Regular practice of yoga reduces chronic pain and supports cardiovascular health.
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